Year 2 Results: Language Test Summary
- Identifying the importance of changing instruction to meet the needs of ELs
- Identifying effective ways of simplifying - e.g., using visuals, slowing down appropriately, pausing
- Recognizing the importance of teaching vocabulary directly
- Identifying the types of activities that give students practice in using language
- Identifying the types of activities that give students exposure to language (listening and reading)
- Identifying the effective ways of teaching words with multiple meaning
- Identifying the specific needs of beginning-, intermediate-, and advanced-level ELs
- Identifying the language issues associated with word problems that cause difficulties for ELs
Before the English learners can be reclassified, they must meet four criteria to demonstrate that they can meet basic grade level standards. The criteria listed below were established by the State Board of Education (SBE):
- English proficiency on the annual CELDT;
- Basic grade level skills on the California Standards Tests (CST) in English language arts;
- Teacher evaluation of student academic performance; and
- Parent consultation.
Figure 4: Los Angeles Unified School District
Percent of Reclassified English Learners
Percent of Reclassified English Learners
Figure 4 shows that the LAUSD reclassification rate has increased from 13.4% in 2006-07 to 14.6% in 2007-08. Out of a total of 266,088 English learners, a total of 38,944 students were reclassified from December 2006 to February 2008. While there were increases at all levels, the greatest increase was at the middle schools where 22.4% of the English learners were reclassified compared to 17.6% in the previous year, a 4.8 point increase. Last year, LAUSD had greater increases compared to the State. At this time, a comparison to the State rate is not available.
Figure 5: 2006-07 and 2007-08 English Learner
Reclassification Rates by Local District
Reclassification Rates by Local District
Figure 5 displays the reclassification rates for LAUSD and each Local District. The four Local Districts with the greatest increases over the prior year were:
- Local District 6 increased from 13.9% to 17.0%, a 3.1 point increase.
- Local District 1 increased from 14.9% to 16.9%, a 2.0 point increase.
- Local District 5 increased from 12.6% to 14.1%, a 1.5 point increase.
- Local District 2 increased from 14.2% to 15.6%, a 1.4 point increase.
The ultimate success of instructional programs for English learners is demonstrated by the academic strength of students who meet criteria to be reclassified as fluent-English proficient, and who continue to learn successfully in the following years. Reclassified students are expected to meet or exceed state grade-level content standards, and for high school students, they are also expected to meet the A-G requirements for high school graduation, thereby demonstrating that they have not been left with any substantive linguistic and/or academic needs.
To ensure RFEP student success, schools must monitor their performance for two years after reclassification in accordance with existing California regulations and federal No Child Left Behind (NCLB) legislation. For additional information regarding the state and federal requirement, procedures for generating requisite academic performance data and parent notification letters, please review Monitoring the Academic Progress of Secondary Reclassified Fluent English Proficient (RFEP) Students, dated February 22, 2007 or Monitoring Academic Progress of Elementary Reclassified (RFEP) Students, dated July 31, 2006.