
  • Collaborative Action Research for Professional Learning Communities by Richard Sagor
  • What We Know About Mathematics Teaching and Learning by McREL
  • Final Report Rubric
  • Brainstorming Template
  • Work Plan Template

Year 2 Action Research Planning

  • NOTE: Group numbers have changed from last year. Please reference this list to see your group number.
  • October 23 Updates: Group 8 (Work Plan) - Group 9 (Brainstorming, Work Plan) - Group 19 (Work Plan)
  • Brainstorming -A-1-2-3-4 (Thunder Cats)-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12 (Transformers)-13 (Bryson)-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-
  • Work Plan -A-1-2-3-4 (Thunder Cats)-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12 (Transformers)-13 (Bryson)-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-

Action Research Planning from Follow Up #2

NEW GROUPS (no posters)

Group #22: Download updated Brainstorming Sheet and Work Plan as modifiable word documents

Group #23: Download updated Brainstorming Sheet and Work Plan as modifiable word documents

Group #24: Download updated Brainstorming Sheet and Work Plan as modifiable word documents

Action Research

    Launch an interactive Action Research review

What is Action Research?

Action research is a process in which participants examine their own educational practice systematically and carefully, using the techniques of research.

What assumptions form the basis of Action Research?

  • Teachers and principals work best on problems they have identified for themselves.
  • Teachers and principals become more effective when encouraged to examine and assess their own work and then consider ways of working differently.
  • Teachers and principals help each other by working collaboratively.
  • Working with colleagues helps teachers and principals in their professional development.

    (Watts, 1985, p. 118)

What is Not Action Research?

Action Research is not:
  • Not a library project where we learn more about a topic that interests us.
  • Not problem-solving in the sense of trying to find out what is wrong. Rather it is a quest for knowledge about how to improve.
  • Not about doing research on our about people.
  • Not about finding all available information on a topic looking for the correct answers.

Types of Action Research

There are different types of action research depending on the participants involved. A plan of research can involve a single teacher investigating an issue in his or her classroom, a group of teachers working on a common problem, or a team of teachers and others focusing on a school- or district-wide issue.

Themes of Action Research

Within all the definitions of action research, there are four basic themes: empowerment of participants, collaboration through participation, acquisition of knowledge, and social change.

Steps in Action Research

In conducting action research, we structure routines for continuous confrontation with data on the health of a school community. These routines are loosely guided by movement through five phases of inquiry:
  1. Identification of a problem area
  2. Collection and organization of data
  3. Interpretation of data
  4. Action based on data
  5. Reflection

Identify a Problem Area

There are several criteria to consider before investing the time and effort in "researching" a problem. The question should
  • be a higher-order question - not a yes/no
  • be stated in common language, avoid jargon
  • be concise
  • be meaningful
  • not already have an answer

Gather Data

Multiple sources of data are used to better understand the scope of happenings in the classroom or school. There are many vehicles for collection of data:

field notes
audio tapes
focus groups
anecdotal records
individual files
logs of meetings
case studies
records - tests, report cards, attendance
samples of student work, projects, performances

Benefits of Action Research

Action research can be a worthwhile pursuit for educators for a number of reasons.
  • Focus on school issue, problem, or area of collective interest
  • Form of teacher professional development
  • Improved physical condition
  • Collegial interactions
  • Potential to impact school change
  • Reflect on own practice
  • Improved communications

Reasons that Action Research might have been included in the CaMSP grant?

Action research is used for various purposes, including:
  • School-based curriculum development
  • Professional development
  • Systems planning
  • School restructuring
  • Evaluation Purposes

How can I use action research in my classroom?

You can use it to chart the effects of implementation of a curriculum or strategy, to study the student learning and responses, or to profile individual students.

Why should schools engage in action research?

Reasons for performing action research fall into three categories: to promote personal and professional growth, to improve practice to enhance student learning, and to advance the teaching profession. (Johnson, 1995)